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Good Trading Books List
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October 27, 2012 - 23:58
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Book List

I thought I would start a book list as I finished reading  Reminiscences of a Stock Operator and I can say it was a mighty fine read. There is a few other stand out books I have read and I hope others will contribute any good books they have read as its always good to read more books on trading.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator  by Edwin Lefevre

Is a great read because most of the book is based 100 years ago and goes through the life of one of the worlds greatest traders. It really shows you that it has all happened before and it will happen again, and Jesse was explaining that 100 years ago.

Currency Wars by James Rickards

A really insightful book into the history of currency manipulation. A great read for a layperson into forex fundamentals.

The Big Short by Micheal Lewis

Thrilling read and excellently written, you wont be able to put this one down. This is the real story of the GFC crash and the people who made money during this time.

Boomerang by Micheal Lewis

The followup to the big short, definately not as good but still a great read. It is basically a tour around some of Europes debt ridden countries written in a almost comical manner, timely for what is happening now.

Trading In The Zone by Mark Douglas

This is the first book you should read if you start trading. Best book on trading psychology out there.

Well that is all I can think of off the top of my head for now that are really top notch,

I am interested to know what others can recommend?

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October 25, 2013 - 22:44
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Hi, looks like an underused thread but I'll pose the question has anyone else read Trading In The Zone by Mark Douglas as recommended above.  The reason I ask is that I have limited time and resources so don't want to buy too many books at this stage.  My main focus at the moment is studying the material provided by Theo.


My own recommendation is Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager.  It contains interviews with a variety of successful traders and gives a good insight into the minds of these guys (I can't remember if any of them were women, it's a while since I read this).


Regards, David

Theo Patsios
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October 26, 2013 - 00:37
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Freecell said
Hi, looks like an underused thread but I'll pose the question has anyone else read Trading In The Zone by Mark Douglas as recommended above.  The reason I ask is that I have limited time and resources so don't want to buy too many books at this stage.  My main focus at the moment is studying the material provided by Theo.


My own recommendation is Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager.  It contains interviews with a variety of successful traders and gives a good insight into the minds of these guys (I can't remember if any of them were women, it's a while since I read this).


Regards, David


Hi David,
I would be happy to 'share' a PDF of that book with you if you like so you can see if you want to buy it wink

use my skype info in my profile

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October 26, 2013 - 01:41
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Hi Theo, thanks for the offer of sharing, and also for the speedy reply.  I'm happy to buy it if you think it's worth having, but I'll try your skype for a sneak preview... thanks.


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October 30, 2013 - 15:00
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Freecell said
Hi, looks like an underused thread but I'll pose the question has anyone else read Trading In The Zone by Mark Douglas as recommended above.  The reason I ask is that I have limited time and resources so don't want to buy too many books at this stage.  My main focus at the moment is studying the material provided by Theo.


My own recommendation is Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager.  It contains interviews with a variety of successful traders and gives a good insight into the minds of these guys (I can't remember if any of them were women, it's a while since I read this).


Regards, David

hi David,

I have read both books.....and in a way they are the best available, if you like reading.

for me this only happens on vacation if I am away from my computer, the internet and Forex.;)

But screentime is moreimportant than reading is my opinion.

cheers GG


Cheers and keep the pips floating.


Generaal Goudvis

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October 30, 2013 - 15:04
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If somebody needs dutch books articles, etc. Let me know....perhaps I can be of help.



Cheers and keep the pips floating.


Generaal Goudvis

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October 30, 2013 - 15:16
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Generaal_Goudvis said
Freecell said
Hi, looks like an underused thread but I'll pose the question has anyone else read Trading In The Zone by Mark Douglas as recommended above.  The reason I ask is that I have limited time and resources so don't want to buy too many books at this stage.  My main focus at the moment is studying the material provided by Theo.


My own recommendation is Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager.  It contains interviews with a variety of successful traders and gives a good insight into the minds of these guys (I can't remember if any of them were women, it's a while since I read this).


Regards, David

hi David,

I have read both books.....and in a way they are the best available, if you like reading.

for me this only happens on vacation if I am away from my computer, the internet and Forex.;)

But screentime is moreimportant than reading is my opinion.

cheers GG

 Hi GG

Nice for you to reply. I'm not so sure that screentime is more important, but we all have our own way of doing things. I'm trying to get a balance between learning price action and overcoming my psychological blockages. Reading is part of that process which is why I am now starting on 'Trading In The Zone'. At first glance this is a book that will need to be read more than once - you will need a lot of vacations to achieve this I think :)




Theo Patsios
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October 31, 2013 - 00:25
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In my opinion reading will help you develop your understanding, and in turn your trading plan, but you can't beat hands on for true learning, and this applies to real life also as far as I am concerned. How many graduates have you met who studied for years and years but are useless in real life implementation of their chosen profession? I know I have and the same applies here.

There is only so much Theory can do for you, especially when it comes to Psychology. You can read as much as you want about that and you are still going to make all the mistakes you read about. It may sound crazy but I have seen it in myself and everyone I have ever taught. 

Use the books to gather different views on Trading and the Psychology behind it, I can't say no to that as did it myself. Just remember that your main focus is to first develop a Trading Plan that you can prove to yourself works through backtesting. Then execute it properly on foward test demo for a while and prove that you can follow your plan, then go live with microlots and build up confidence whilst trading real money because that is where you will start to experience the Psychology part. 

Expect to follow your plan on demo and then make stupid decisions with real money, don't be too hard on yourself when you do because it is normal. Make sure however that you recognize what is going on.

Food for thought

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